Five Things to Do in Nogales, Arizona

What’s In Nogales, AZ

Where is Nogales?


Nogales: What to Do

Here is Borderlandia’s checklist for our top five favorite things to do in Nogales, Arizona. 

  1. Experience the rare wetlands of Las Lagunas de Anza.

What is Nogales Known for?

2. Dive into Sonoran cuisine at Cocina La Ley.

Is Nogales worth visiting? YES!

3. Gain an understanding of Ambos Nogales at the Pimeria Alta Historical Society Museum.

4. Go on an urban hike and shop along historic Morley Avenue

Nogales Tourism

5. Enjoy a refreshing raspado at Finitos.

Get to know Nogales beyond the headlines by joining us on an upcoming Nogales Past & Present Tour.


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