
Hello friends,

The stunning snow-capped landscape of the upper Santa Cruz River valley of a month ago seems so far away now from the sunny warmth of spring and its budding radiant flowers. During this transition of seasons, the Ambos Nogales and the wider borderlands community lost a living saint. 

Doña Gilda Esquer Félix was the founder and operator of the San Juan Bosco Migrant Shelter alongside her husband Don Francisco Loureiro for over four decades. They never shut their door for a single day through those years. They led by example, motivated by religious principles by which they didn’t talk the talk but walked the walk in serving the most in need in their daily lives. The shelter continues to be run to this day by their children and is a crucial cornerstone of the border city.

The Sonoran Desert, and particularly Tucson, continues to be the darling of the travel journalists of the New York Times.  We are delighted to share that Borderlandia’s popular Tucson Origins Tour was featured in the Travel section in one of the two Tucson articles that appeared within a week of one another. The other, of course, was Linda Ronstadt's five favorite places in the Old Pueblo. 

We hope you enjoy this 15th edition of Borderlandia Magazine and to see you at one of our upcoming programs or tours aimed at building public understanding of this amazing place we call home.

Alex & Rocío


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