Upcoming Events

Borderlandia Tours

Tucson Origins Tour

Learn about the origins of one of the most important cities of the American Southwest: Tucson on this cultural heritage itinerary.

Wed, July 6, 2022
Sat, July 9, 2022
Sun, July 17, 2022

Fiestas de San Lorenzo: A Sonoran Cultural Exchange Tour

Every year in August, the community of Huépac in central Sonora celebrates the municipality’s fiestas in honor of the pueblo’s patron saint, Saint Lawrence. Huépac is located a few kilometers just downriver from this immersion’s accommodations in Banámichi. This festivity offers a chance to have a personal encounter with the Sonoran culture and folkways of the valleys of the Sierra Madres.

Dates: August 8 - 11, 2022

¡Viva Chihuahua!

Chihuahua is an iconic part of the popular consciousness about Mexico because of its role as the setting for complex historical figures and their transformative actions like Padre Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico’s independence harbinger to Pancho Villa, the revolutionary caudillo figure. Visiting the northern state’s namesake capital today with skyscrapers rapidly scaling up along its expansive cityscape, it is easy to be swept up by the city’s dynamic modernity but one can rest assured that the community’s foundations are proudly grounded in its regional Chihuahuense heritage.

Dates: March 10 - 16, 2023 (6 nights / 7 days)


Cultural Events

Tombstone 4th of July

July 2 - 4, 2022 / 10 am - 3 pm

Tombstone, AZ

Festival Cultural Mar Bermejo

July 8 - 13, 2022

Guaymas, Sonora

Monsoon Plant Sale

July 16, 2022 / 8 am - 4 pm
& July 17, 2022 / 8 am - 2 pm

Borderlands Nursery & Seed 

Patagonia, AZ

Southeast Arizona Birding Festival

August 10 - 14, 2022

Tucson, AZ

Celebrate All Things
S cuk-sǫn/Tucson

August 20, 2022 / 6:30 pm - 9 pm

Presidio San Agustín del Tucson Museum

Tucson, AZ


The Romero Expedition of 1823


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