With the passing of June 24, the feast day of Saint John the Baptist in the Catholic calendar, we are officially in Monsoon season in the Sonoran Desert! To our delight, we have already been frequently blessed in Arizona’s Santa Cruz Valley with rains and we are looking forward to seeing our beautiful surroundings take on a verdant green color.
La Trinidad Chilanga
After two long years of rescheduling flights to visit friends in Mexico City in order to celebrate a birthday back in early 2020, we finally made it back to the capital this past May. Breathing in, the humid scent of greenery - the beautiful trees that shade the city’s roadways and abundant blossoming flowers hit you like a train, a distinct contrast to the dry heat of the Sonoran Desert during one of the hottest months of the year.
Depicting History
In our latest visit to the Sonoran River Valley, which took place during the Día de San Lorenzo festivities last August, we had the opportunity to reconnect with our friend and Banámichi-born artist, Beatriz Corella.